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New Additions, Progress, and WAITING

So the blog has been quiet for some time, yet so much has been happening in the community we have created together. Firstly I would love to welcome Jock Gaming and Team Xstream to the fold. Clarbs, and Jock from said team, are now also newly minted moderators on the official minecraft stream alongside Smurf Masher, Chipster, and The Edge1970. NPS it is far to say now makes up the bulk of the moderators on the official Minecraft stream. It's amazing that Helen and Gartzky Jess and the rest have opened up to us and been so supportive. We are truly lucky to find people who love their job and take the time to talk to us players and trust us to help them moderate. Last week three NPS teams were featured on the official Minecraft stream and the Minecraft team were greeted with Minecraft recreations of themselves on their streaming couch. We all enjoyed watching that episode and seeing their reactions! Idlecraft did an amazing job on that build! See the video here:

We did lose one builder however, The Pijn has joined a third party that builds for one of the existing partners. And we mutually agreed to part ways. Although it is true that we didn't like the way this went about, (on both sides) we wish him the best.The way we see it, if our people are poached this shows we ARE the competition. It has been a long wait, but the feedback is we hold tight and wait, we are still in the running and we will be processed eventually. In spite of this wait, we have increased in numbers rather than dwindle, and in addition to Team Xstream we also would like to welcome an exciting new addition to our collective

This team of game developers have agreed to join us in creating skins, texture packs, and mods for our Marketplace creations. This is a huge boost to us console builders, as although we have dipped our toes into the JAVA modded world we previously lacked the years of experience the existing partners have, not anymore, now we can make epic and incredibly detailed Minecraft worlds, mod them, add our own custom skins and texture packs and even add true roleplaying attributes to those worlds. If you are interested in working for them as a freelancer you can apply here:

The wait has been long, but somthing in my bones say's we don't have long to wait. I'm amazed we have such a tight group of people holidng with us on faith and friendship alone, and when we get partnership finally, that faith will be rewarded with a fairer, equitable, and far better deal than any other route. Remember... we are the competition.

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